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Who Are We?

Keith Bennett

Founder & CEO
Bennett Research Technologies LLC

Visiting Assistant Research Professor
Department of Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering
Saint Louis University

Sr. Research Scientist (Retired)
Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Washington University in St. Louis

Keith Bennett is Founder and CEO of Bennett Research Technologies LLC with over 40 years of experience in aerospace and academia working on space systems, artificial intelligence, planetary space data, virtual reality, geospatial information systems (GIS), and space software applications.

Mr. Bennett is also currently a Visiting Assistant Research Professor at in the Department of Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering at Saint Louis University where is working with students in the Space Systems Research Laboratory on Cubesat payloads.

Mr. Bennett's current focus is on the intersection of space systems and computer science, particularly spacecraft autonomy and space machine learning applications.

Mr. Bennett is a retired senior researcher at Washington University and was Deputy Manager for Operations at Washington University�s Geosciences Node of NASA�s Planetary Data System. In this role, he was responsible for developing and improving science data operations of a wide range of planetary missions including the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission, and the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission. A key focus was the development of new ways of accessing, visualizing, and using science data from across instruments and missions. Projects included the use of high-performance computers to remove atmospheric effects from hyper spectral images and the development of the Fossett Laboratory for Virtual Planetary Exploration which utilizes immersive visualization technology to improve the integration and exploration of planetary data.

Mr. Bennett also worked with the humanities departments at Washington University to integrate the use of computer science concepts into humanities research, data archiving, and teaching. This activity involves teaching, working with faculty on specific projects, and serving on various university-wide efforts to expand digital humanities efforts at Washington University. Recent example activities include mentoring a student-project modeling early 19th century British working class households, drafting a university policy on handling digital projects, working with English faculty on a new edition of Edmund Spenser�s works, and teaching a joint Computer-Science and History course on digital history projects.

Mr. Bennett was also the Co-Founder and Co-Director from 1998 to 2005 of the Aerospace Systems Lab (ASL), at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Washington University. ASL was a Washington University space engineering research center focused on the application of emerging space technology in the design, building, and operating various space projects focusing on microspacecraft and nanosatellites. Past projects have included several Space Shuttle experiment packages, a small satellite (Sapphire) launched in 2001, an Antarctica educational ballooning project, and a range of robotic projects. ASL also includes a K-12 outreach program, known as Project Aria, that has involved over 3000 K-12 students in the design, building, and flying of their own space projects on the Space Shuttle and various high altitude balloon missions.

In addition, Mr. Bennett was an Affiliate Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Executive Director of the Center for Security Technology (CST) at Washington University. As a member of the CSE department for 12 years, he taught the capstone software engineering course from 1993 to 2004 as well as undergraduate and graduate courses in software project management, programming, and computer graphics. Finally, Mr. Bennett was Co-Founder in 1995 of ProtoSpace Corporation, a Washington University spin-off commercial company providing virtual reality and Internet products and services. He served as Chairman and CEO from 1995 to 1998.

Past activities have included work in the space and defense programs. Activities included space program software management, space system engineering, software engineering project management, computer graphics applications, and remote sensing applications. During this time, Mr. Bennett was also involved in virtual reality, autonomous and telepresense operations, and software engineering research. Mr. Bennett served as software manager and system engineer for the National Aerospace Plane and other aerospace projects. Mr. Bennett holds a B.S. in Computer Science and European History from Vanderbilt University, a M.S. in Computer Science from Washington University and has 42 hours of graduate study in business from the Olin School of Business at Washington University.

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